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MegaMoeMon Emerald [Pokemon Romhack] - Pokemon as Waifus "Coronaviruslocke"

Duration: 03:01:22Views: 20KLikes: 423Date Created: May, 2020

Channel: Misty Chronexia

Category: Entertainment

Description: Powered by Restream restream.io The sequel to MegaMoeMon Fire Red is finally upon us with MegaMoemon Emerald. Coronavirus-locke challenge rules (May adjust along the way if needed): 1- Forced social distance. we cannot talk to NPC unless it's mandatory to progress the story. 2- If a Mon gets poisoned, we cannot heal it at a Pokemon Center, we must store it in the PC for 2weeks (A.k.a. getting 2 badges) before we can remove it from PC. Once they come out from PC, they will have immunity for the rest of the game. If it dies on the way to pc we cannot revive it. Coronavirus Death are un-revivable. 3- If a mon gets Coronavirus, the 2 adjacent pokemon in the PC must be stored alongside it to prevent spread. 4- Only revives found in the wild/on the ground are allowed to be used limit of 1/mon, Coronavirus death excluded. 5- Fainting = perma-death (with exception of the revive saving grace) 6- We nicknamed our mons after Female anime characters, Donations gets exclusive choice. Visit this link if you'd like to learn more about this fun project: forums.pokemmo.eu/index.php?/topic/71562-ips-mega-moemon-firered-2018-110 ---------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER - DO NOT ASK ME TO GIVE YOU A ROM, THAT'S ILLEGAL. If you're looking for the project, they have a discord or you can simply google Mega Moemon Fire Red (which is the most complete game) or Mega Moemon Emerald. That is all i can provide you in terms of information. Mega Moemon Emerald is a work in progress in Alpha/beta stage. It is still in development so if you're looking for a new kind of experience, be aware that there may be bugs or features not working properly. The folks behind it are working hard to make this project running as seamlessly as possible so keep that in mind while playing the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I've found this crazy romhack of Pokemon Emerald that swaps every pokemon for a waifu. Gotta moe them all!

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